
We found 4 courses available for you

Introduction au Projet de financement d’un Etablissement de Santé

12 Lessons

Ce cours en ligne sur le financement des établissements de …

What you'll learn
Les terminologies appropriées utilisées lors de la discussion des projets d'infrastructures dans les établissements de santé
Les différents types de projets d'infrastructures dans les établissements de santé
Les distinctions entre les différents modèles de propriété pour les établissements de santé
Les différentes options de financement disponibles pour les projets d'infrastructures dans les établissements de santé
Les avantages et les inconvénients associés à chaque option de financement
Comment prendre des décisions éclairées concernant le financement des établissements de santé
Comment utiliser vos nouvelles connaissances pour communiquer efficacement avec les parties prenantes et les partenaires impliqués dans le financement des établissements de santé.

Introduction to Health Facility Project Funding

12 Lessons

This online course on healthcare facility funding aims to provide …

What you'll learn
The appropriate terminologies used when discussing infrastructure projects in healthcare facilities
The different types of infrastructure projects in healthcare facilities
The distinctions between different ownership models for healthcare facilities
The various funding options available for infrastructure projects in healthcare facilities
The advantages and disadvantages associated with each funding option
How to make informed decisions about funding healthcare facilities
How to utilize your newfound knowledge to communicate effectively with stakeholders and partners involved in healthcare facility funding.

Healthcare Equipment Management and Maintenance

71 Lessons

Learn how to manage healthcare equipment and which systems need …

What you'll learn
In this Healthcare Equipment Management and Maintenance online course, you will learn about the different types and the importance of maintenance.
You will also learn about safety considerations, regulations and standards, inventory and asset management, and data management. The course will equip you with the knowledge and skills required to effectively manage and maintain healthcare equipment to ensure optimal performance, safety and reliability.

Supply Chain and Cold Chain Logistics for Covid-19 Vaccines

25 Lessons
96 hours

his course explores the supply chain and cold chain logistics …

What you'll learn
The different stages involved in the Covid-19 vaccine supply chain, from manufacturing to delivery.
The importance of cold chain warehousing and the specialized facilities and equipment used to store and transport vaccines at the appropriate temperature.
The different modes of transportation used to move vaccines from the manufacturing site to the point of use, and the various challenges associated with each mode.
Strategies for ensuring timely and efficient delivery of the vaccine, such as cold chain packaging and tracking systems.
How to properly manage and dispose of waste generated during the vaccine distribution process.
The use of readiness assessment tools to help organizations assess their readiness to manage the vaccine supply chain effectively.